Jee’s friends and Father @ Opening of Art Show

A Memorial Exhibition of Jee-Hoon Choi, 3/24-4/21, 2012

The opening reception on March 24, 2012

The opening reception of Jee-Hoon Choi Memorial Exhibition

Many friends, parents and people who knew Jee-Hoon attended at the opening reception of Jee-Hoon Choi Memorial Exhibition at the Gallery Bennett, Englewood, NJ on March 24, 2012.

This is a collection of friends from NJ, CMU, teachers, and family.

Wine Labels by Bo

“I designed the brand new wine lables using the Jeehoon’s artwork for brand new wine which are Jeehoon’s father and his friends femented grapes to make wine at 2011.” – Jee’s Mother, Bo Woo